By 1988 a "Tree of Souls" had been added to the show. The concept derives from several literary references, no doubt inspired by our minds being adapted to recognize faces. The complex shapes of trees creates many opportunities to see and imagine human features.
When in place in the yard, extra branches and foliage were added to the tree. Those branches visually tie the tree to the live foliage from a large real tree above.
This tree was located in a portion of the yard where the exit path was eventually installed. The rearrangement of the show caused the tree to be relocated, but in the new location the scale was not quite right, so a taller tree was built.

The shape of the 1989 Tree of Souls was formed of a scrap wood frame covered chicken wire. The wire is covered with glue-soaked newsprint and styled with plastic foam and Celluclay "faces." Additional features and texturing are done with aerosol insulation foam and plaster. The entire tree was then painted with latex paint and spray enamel.
Because it was stored outside, awkward to handle, and made of paper, the tree was periodically damaged, rebuilt, and finally destroyed.

This figure, an early version of the Wandering Spirit affectionately known as "Sugar Buns II," floated free in 1988. In 1989 it became embedded in the tree.
The skull was a plastic model, while the ribs and arm were made of coat-hanger wire and masking tape.

At the disturbing sound of breathy moans, the tree would be illuminated in red and amber, revealing the distorted faces.

Mark, who was the primary architect of the tree, had the final task of "de-facing" it prior to disposal.