2002 Manifestation of the

Hallowed Haunting Grounds

The 30th invocation of the Hallowed Haunting Grounds was memorable for good weather and hard work.

Thank you all for your support.

Changes to the Hallowed Haunting Grounds for 2002 included:

  • Welcome to the 30th Manifestation of the Hallowed Haunting Grounds30th Manifestation Welcome Plaque
  • Manifestus XXX - Salva Me - MMII30th Manifestation Monument
    (Luminescent Grave Marker)
  • Mann Makes Monument Marking MasksSteve cutting stencils for the 30th Manifestation lettering
  • Nathan sawed a MonumentNathan building the 30th Manifestation Monument
  • Tom Sawyer was hereGary and Steve repaint the fence white
  • Blocks spelling '30 Hallowed Years'Alphabet Blocks on the Nursery Floor

One of our greatest fans has provided a large set of daylight panoramas of the 2002 manifestation.